Monday, April 28, 2008

Internet Business

In this day and age, you'll routinely hear people gripe about their jobs. Why do you suppose this is? I think I have a grasp on the problem. They feel obsolete or unsure about their future. You never know when you just might be canned and/or replaced. Surely you've noticed that oodles of workers get booted out for simple reasons. Maybe you're no longer needed or the company is downsizing. But what do you do then? Well hopefully you leave with some sort of severance package. At least this way you'll have some cash to pay the bills while searching for the next gig. Those who don't, often have it rough. Now, you may be wondering what I'm getting at, so I'll cut to the chase. It's high time to start thinking about a personal Internet business, or independent company that's actually yours.

Surf the web sometime and you'll see just how many individuals have started their very own Internet business. Seriously, cyberspace is loaded with them. Maybe some of the websites that you check out on a regular basis. I was shocked to find out that one of the custom knife sites I always sort through was owned by a housewife. She even let me in on her story. She was basically a stay-at-home mom with no college degree, therefore she decided to start her own at-home Internet business, selling custom cutlery. At first she did this as a way to bring in extra money, but then it turned into something huge. Now her husband does it with her and it's their only source of income. You have to admit; that's pretty darn sweet. And it all started with her father's passion for knives, and the knowledge she picked up from him.

You too can begin an Internet business if you really want it. A close friend of my wife started hers by making custom children's clothing. She uses her sewing talents and creativity to make an honest living. Now she just has to keep up with the various orders. What awesome about this picture? How about the facts that she works from home, sets her own hours, answers to no one, and can never get CANNED? Wouldn't you enjoy a lifestyle like this?

Career Search

If there's one thing you learn when you grow up, it's that bills are endless. It goes without saying that you'll need some type of job or career to get by in this world. Attempting to live without one would just be foolish. Well, maybe unless you're going to live off in the woods somewhere like Grizzly Adams. That's a whole different story. My point is that real life requires an education, hard work and a decent job. Now it's not uncommon to have no clue where to start. Most of us ponder career ideas, even half way through college or longer. What you may want to try is a general career search. This can be approached in a few different ways. Are you ready to take the next step and find out where your place is in life?

College is a great place to start. If you're attending a university, it's time to take advantage of their resources. It doesn't really matter if you're a freshman or a senior. You can get started with this at any time. The career center will help you sort through your options that follow college life. You can get assistance and do a career search regarding your major. Find out all the job fields pertaining to your chosen major. I did a career search when I was a sophomore in college. I worked with a woman in the career center to find out what my options were concerning my English major. She came up with a whole list of ideas ranging from technical writing, to freelance work, to journalism, to all sorts of management. It truly was a great help. Later down the road, I did a more in-depth career search on my own. All I needed was my Mac laptop and a few hours to spare. I searched the web over and over for future career ideas that appealed to me most.

Job shadowing is always a good plan. If you're not sure if you'd like a specific field or job position, try shadowing someone who already does it for a day or two. This will definitely put things into perspective. Finally, you can use websites like and to pinpoint specific jobs in your area and across the country. This is a useful resource once you know what you're looking for. Take your career search seriously. You want a job you'll really enjoy.